Summary: In the steampunk world of Victorian London, a beautiful vampire seeks out the author of Dracula–to set the record straight . . . If one is to believe Bram Stoker’s legendary vampire tale, Lucy Weston is Dracula’s most wanton creation, a sexual creature of the night who preys on innocent boys. But the real-life Lucy is nothing like her fictional counterpart—and she demands to know why the Victorian author deliberately lied. With Stoker’s reluctant help, she’s determined to track down the very fiend who transformed her—from the sensual underworld where humans vie to become vampires, to a hidden cell beneath a temple to madness, and finally into the glittering Crystal Palace where death reigns supreme.
Haunted by fragmentary memories of her lost life and love, Lucy must battle her thirst for blood as she struggles to stop a catastrophic war that will doom vampires and humans alike. Ultimately, she must make a choice that illuminates for her—and for us—what it means to be human.
Review: Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for a review.
A somewhat disappointing novel with a Dracula twist.
I was excited to read this book because I love Dracula and fanfiction novels. There were some elements of Dracula in the book, but there wasn't as much as I had hoped for. Perhaps, if I had not been so hyped up, I wouldn't have been so disappointed. I did enjoy a number of the elements in the book. The title did not make sense to me until they mentioned incarnation in the book. It's wonderfully close to reincarnation. I liked the use of Arthur mythology in the book, bloodlines, Halflings, and the use of Slayers and Protectors.
It was an interesting contrast between the Lucy of old and the new Lucy. She was a decent character. She was bold and was willing to do what she had to do. I didn't always like Marco. Lucy was stronger then him yet he had to do his "I'm a big, strong man! I must protect the woman!" He meant well, but he I still couldn't see what Lucy had fallen for him in the first place. Calling this book steampunk is misleading since it barely had any steampunk elements. The plot was a tad melodramatic, but it was enjoyable for the most part.
I would recommend this book to those that are big fans of vampires or paranormal historical fiction.

Recommendation: I would recommend this book to those that are huge fan of vampires and enjoy anything related to the story of Dracula.
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