Book #1
Dina Rae
Action, Adventure, Crime, Paranormal, Political, Suspense, Thriller,
Dina Rae
for only $1.99:
Last Degree is a fictionalized account of how Freemasons and other
secret societies set up the world for takeover. Ancient writings
foretell a ‘Shining One’ who emerges as the world’s prophet. A
murder of a Most Worshipful mason resembles a secret oath. A cop gets
too close to solving the crime. Paranoid preppers go underground,
preparing for war.
such as the Norway massacre, meltdown of the European Union,
unscrupulous media, animal die-offs, Middle Eastern unrest, and U.S.
shrinking power make the plot relevant to present day. This book is
an ode to Christians, Birthers, 2012ers, Truthers, preppers, and/or
other conspiracy junkies who enjoy Dan Brown, Jesse Ventura, Brad
Meltzer, Alex Jones, Jerry Jenkins and Tim LaHaye.
took off his crown, signifying he was no longer playing King Solomon.
is expected for ones that you love. Do you love me?” Dwight
shouted. “Then bow down before me and offer praise!”
knelt and laid their head down to the floor, chanting 'Most
Worshipful' several times before Dwight commanded them to get up.
a manic energetic state, Dwight vociferated, “Et vitam impendere
vero!” All repeated, with the three new pledges joining in.
Minutes later, he began to calm down. “To sacrifice life for truth
- that is what we must always do! You must trust me as your Most
Worshipful and sacrifice at my command! Are you prepared to do
this?” All three pledges nodded.
pulled the content baby out of Arthur's arms and threw it high into
the air. As the baby began to descend, Dwight took his sword and
hacked through its neck, decapitating it before it hit the floor.
Only the three pledges shrieked in horror. He sinisterly smiled as
he picked up the head and body, revealing it was only a doll.
believe with your eyes, but believe with your knowledge. We are his
chosen and will soon be exalted.”
three men looked down at their hands and tried not to scream. They
were covered in blood.
my brothers, sacrifice. I will teach you well. You are all Chiefs
of the Tabernacle! Let us go and celebrate!” Dwight gleamed.
the Author:

lives with her husband, two daughters, and two dogs outside of
Chicago. She is a Christian, an avid tennis player, movie buff, and
self-proclaimed expert on several conspiracy theories. When she is
not writing, she is reading novels from her favorite authors Dan
Brown, Anne Rice, Stephen King, Brad Thor, George R.R. Martin, and
Preston & Childs.
the Author:
Disclaimer: I received this book from the author in exchange for a review.
A book with an incredible number of
conspiracy theories stuffed into just one plot which suffers from
being a bit unbelievable.
I always enjoy conspiracy theories, at least on tv. I admit that I haven't read too many books with conspiracy theories. I do enjoy shows about the Illuminati, the Freemasons, and the Knights Templar and this book manages to combine all three. That certainly results in a complex plot although I think the plot loses credibility by having so much stuffed into it. Still, I couldn't help thinking about how people are afraid of globalization, which makes this story a tad scary.
It took a little bit of time for me to get used to the switching viewpoints and time periods, but it does add suspense to the story since you know what's come before, what's now, and what's to come. Part of the fun is to think about what happened in between. Connecting globalization, the New World Order, and the Freemasons to the predicted events in Revelations was a good move since it fits quite well. While I did not enjoy this book as well as I would have hoped to, I am interested in reading a sequel (if there will be one) since I am interested to see what will happen to the world. Plus, I think it would be an easier read since all the conspiracy plots have already been set up.
Recommendation: I would recommend this book to those interested in conspiracy theories, the Freemasons or similar societies, globalization, or end of the world fiction.
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