Sons of Darkness Series, Book 1
Joseph Spencer
Crime, Dark, Horror, Mystery, Paranormal, Thriller,
Damnation Books
everything is taken from him, Detective Adam White must choose what's
most important. Does he stick to the heroic ideals which made him a
famed paragon of justice and take down a murderous madman? Or does he
give in to his vigilante impulses, avenge his wife's murder, and
become the type of killer he's hunted for so many years?
heard a few sounds of Velcro peeling from its straps. Suddenly, Black
Mask shed the mystery and ambiguity of his head gear. He became
another mystery altogether. What
happened to this guy? He
looked like he’d seen hell, escaped, and doctored his face to give
everyone else on Earth a preview.
Mask obviously suffered from rosacea because his skin was inflamed,
swollen, and the angriest shade of red Adam had ever seen. A jagged
circular scar similar to a clock face ran from Black Mask’s
forehead down his cheeks to his chin. A vertical scar ran straight
down the middle of his forehead and along the bridge of his nose. Two
horizontal scars extended from the side of his nose and curved upward
toward the temples. Two additional scars extended outward at angles
from just under his nose, across his lips and ended on either side of
his chin. All of the scars connected to the outer circular one like
spokes to resemble a starfish shape. Adam struggled not to have any
reaction, but failed to keep the corner of his mouth from inching up
into a grimace.
Mask smirked and put his right hand up to his face. He pretended to
be admiring himself in the mirror. “It’s okay, Detective. Your
reaction is fairly common and a lot more subdued than most. Of
course, I bet you’ve seen a lot of horrors in your line of work.
you want to know the tale of Heath Grim, do you?”
the Author:

The Sons
of Darkness is a series of paranormal crime thrillers following
investigations into mysterious deaths in the central Illinois city of
Prairieville. Home of the notorious serial killer, The Reaper,
Prairieville has had a history of violence centered on an ongoing
feud between the Marino and Black organized crime families. When
bodies start showing up again at the abandoned Marino State Hospital,
many fear the Reaper has returned. The people of Prairieville are
about to find out their problems stem from a supernatural source
which has lurked in secret for decades.
As a
boy, Joseph Spencer immersed himself in the deductive logic of
Sherlock Holmes, the heroic crime fighting of Batman and Spider-Man,
and a taste for the tragic with dramas from poets like Shakespeare
and Homer.
Joseph took to spinning his own tales, he pursued a career in print
sports journalism, graduating with honors from Clinton (IL) High
School in 1996 and summa cum laude from Southern Illinois
University-Carbondale in 2000. He covered such events as NASCAR’s
Subway 500 race in Martinsville, the NBA Draft Camp in Chicago, the
Junior College World Series, and Minor League Baseball’s Midwest
League All-Star Game during a ten-year career throughout the Midwest.
Now, he works as an emergency telecommunications specialist with an
Illinois police department. The combination of years of writing
experience with a background working with law enforcement
professionals gave rise to his writing aspirations.
was married Dr. Amy (Waggoner) Spencer, an accomplished veterinary
doctor, on March 14, 2012. He received word his debut novel was
accepted by his publisher, Damnation Books, the next day. Joseph and
Amy look forward to their honeymoon in Paris in September 2012.
Murphy, a 15-year-old orange tabby, is perhaps the most vocal member
of the family. The Spencer family enjoys reading Charlaine Harris,
George R.R. Martin, Mary Janice Davidson, and most paranormal
stories. The Spencers also enjoy quoting movie lines from The
Princess Bride, Rain Man, Bridesmaids, and Office Space.
Guest Post:
Things I Wish I Knew About Being An Author Before Getting Published
done it! You committed to writing the great American novel you always
thought you could write. You put your butt in the seat, your hands
over the keyboard and your words on the screen. It’s finished. Your
debut novel is finished, and set to skyrocket straight to the top of
the bestseller list. The lion’s share of your work is done, right?
most authors, this step in the process is where the real learning
takes place. The reality is debut authors, particularly ones who
aren’t celebrities or aren’t being published by a major house,
have to work as hard or harder on the business and marketing side of
the book to get their masterpiece in front of a marketplace which
isn’t familiar with them or their work. People are looking to
stretch their dollars further in these times of economic hardship,
and they have to be convinced that your work is worth spending their
hard-earned dollars on. With that in mind, here are some things to
consider if you’re looking to be published for the first time and
aren’t quite sure what your next step should be.
- No Agent, No Cry
I began my publishing process, I figured I had to have an agent
before any publisher would even consider my manuscript. That’s just
not the case. The truth is a majority of independent authors submit
unagented manuscripts all the time. The right agent will definitely
help, but you can be published without one. Also, when you query
agents, don’t get depressed when you get form letter rejections.
Every author gets rejected, and it’s common for rookies to get the
cold shoulder.
- Do your homework
you’re querying an agent or a publisher, don’t expect to cut and
paste a generic form letter and get great results. You’re writing
professionals who see massive volumes of material every day. If you
don’t stand out, you don’t get out of the slush pile. Besides, if
you wrote a fantastic science fiction novel, you don’t want to
submit it to a romance publisher or an agent who handles primarily
nonfiction works. There are a number of online resources which can
help. is one of
the best out there.
- Do It Yourself?
you’ve submitted your manuscript and aren’t getting any bites
from agents or publishers, there’s another decision to make. It’s
up to you whether you think the reason you’re getting rejected is
that the material isn’t professional standard, whether it just
needs more polish on the editing table or whether the scope of your
work hasn’t found its niche. Another alternative is
self-publishing. It’s becoming more common for authors to publish
their own work through companies like CreateSpace, Lightning Source
and Smashwords. The author eats a lot of upfront cost, but also keeps
more of the profit when the book sells.
- Together Everyone Achieves More
TEAM acronym isn’t just a corny slogan for high school basketball
warmup shirts. Authors go a lot further when they find the right
network of specialists to help them with creative and promotional
services. Did you know there are companies to help you find the
right agent (
Online resources can help you choose editors, cover artists,
publicists, and other specialists to help whip your manuscript into
- Love at first site
this age of social networking and content delivery on the Web, it’s
important for authors to have a strong online presence. If you don’t
have one already (get out from under the rock), you need to get
Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads accounts to post announcements to
promote your book both before and after it’s published. This will
help get the word out to your close friends and family who will be
your best salesmen to other prospective readers. Depending on your
economic situation, you can choose to make your sites either author
or book specific. Also, try to blog content frequently on your site.
- Everyone’s a critic
important for authors to develop a thick skin when putting their work
out on the marketplace. Please keep in mind that suggestions made by
professional editors are meant to enhance the book’s appeal. If an
editor sends back your manuscript with a lot of corrections, it
doesn’t mean you’re an unskilled writer. It just means that
editor sees potential for you to make your work even better.
- Just face it
not enough to lock yourself away in an office and write. Our society
loves celebrities. Even if you don’t feel any differently, others
look at you as a big deal once you get published. Readers want to
meet and talk to the people responsible for the characters and
stories they love. Make an effort to do a tour of local libraries,
local book stores and fan conventions which make sense. Also, it’s
just as important to do blog tours with companies such as Full Moon
Bites ( Remember, out of sight,
out of mind.
- Give to receive
are that you never expected to be hawking pens, bookmarks, notepads,
magnets and various other items when you started writing your
manuscript. However, these promotional materials go a long way in
trying to get readers to remember you and your work. Sites like sell a variety of material you can purchase
cheaply and give to readers at your appearances.
- Upon Further Review…
are times when all it takes to break open a treasure chest of
potential readers is a favorable review from the right online
blogger, media critic or genre-specific site. Sending out review
copies costs money, but it’s essential in winning over readers who
are on the fence about buying your book. Attempt to get as many
reviews as you can because people are more likely to give you a shot
when they see your material was liked by other readers.
- Be Good to Each Other
it or not, other authors can become your best allies when you’re
trying to attract your following of loyal readers. Creating a network
of writing friends, whether it’s a local group which can help you
work on your skills and read your work or whether it’s an online
group which can give you tips on promotion or help you cross-promote
each other, is a rewarding and potentially lucrative experience. On
my site, I do a weekly blog post of author interviews. I let other
authors know they are welcome to promote themselves because it drives
traffic and visitors to my site, too.
Spencer is the author of Grim, a paranormal crime thriller released
by Damnation Books in September 2012. It’s the first in the planned
Sons of Darkness series. His second book, Wrage, is due out in 2013.
He can be reached at
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