The Cernunnos Series #1
April Grey
Dark, Fantasy, Paranormal
Eternal Press
One Man,
Two Women, Two Gods...who will survive the Trickster's snare?
images materialize in Nina Weaver's photos. Goons try to kidnap her.
When her photographs are stolen and her best friend is shot, she
realizes that she has no one to turn to but her ex-lover, Pascal
""Goofy"" Guzman. Together they go on a desperate
road trip in search of answers. The truth is darker and more
terrifying than Nina could ever have imagined. After their love
re-ignites, they fall into the Trickster God's trap.
stared at the photo on the gallery wall and silently swore. All
semester ghostly images had marred her work. And now not only a
strange inclusion ruined her photo, but the pin light needed to be
repositioned as well. She found a ladder in the hallway supply
closet. Balancing precariously on the top step, she noticed that the
imperfection had changed into the image of a vehicle, and it was on
fire. She could see the superheated air wavering up off of the
flames. The crackling and sudden heat of a blaze forced her to lift a
hand to guard her face. It was going to explode. She was quite sure
of it. And then she was falling backwards, falling down…
the Author:

She and
her family live in Hell's Kitchen, NYC in a building next to a
bedeviled garden. Gremlins, sprites or pixies, something mischievous,
lurks therein. Someday she'll find out.
author would love also if you could post the below on your post, it
is to promote a writing class she is teaching. You do not have to;
again this is completely voluntary on your part.
Class - Jan 28 - Feb 10
for e-zines 13
April Grey. The best piece of advice I ever had as a budding novelist was to also write short pieces. The benefits of publishing short stories and/or non-fiction articles with e-zines (and other publications) are huge. You can make a name for yourself as a writer, create a platform, improve your craft and get paid by selling to e-zines. This course will teach the beginning writer how to research markets, evaluate their own work, write a cover letter/follow up query and track their stories. Students will sub... {more info}
Duration: 13 days. $20/$30 (Craft, Plotting, Characterization, Industry, Genre, Intermediate)
April Grey. The best piece of advice I ever had as a budding novelist was to also write short pieces. The benefits of publishing short stories and/or non-fiction articles with e-zines (and other publications) are huge. You can make a name for yourself as a writer, create a platform, improve your craft and get paid by selling to e-zines. This course will teach the beginning writer how to research markets, evaluate their own work, write a cover letter/follow up query and track their stories. Students will sub... {more info}
Duration: 13 days. $20/$30 (Craft, Plotting, Characterization, Industry, Genre, Intermediate)
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